Sunday, January 1, 2012

new years rocking eve?

normally i would not waste my time on any new years eve show. if not working, i would be sleeping, or if the moon and stars aligned, nailing the frau. however the kids are getting older and begged to stay up late, so the wife let them watch the dick clark show.

for the record i have always felt this show was lame. additionally, what type of loser must you be to stay home and watch this? but last night was particularly god awful. dick looked pretty good, while fighting through the aftermath of a stroke. sounded like shit, which did nothing to raise my spirits or motivate me to persevere in the new year.

the musical guests really sucked. PITBULL, i'm coming to take your fortune. if jumping around in a tux with your bow tie undone shouting 'let's go', equals talent while someone else sings, you belong to me.

speaking of shit, LADY GAGA appeared to dress initially as a turd

pretty sure that's cucumber seeds and celery strings, not sequins. Later, she dressed as a sand dollar.

when asked to describe what she was wearing, (the sand dollar get up), she replied she didn't know, but it was VERSACE. what the fuck ever. just goes to show that the age old adage still applies, a fool and their money are soon parted, in my untrained fashion critic opinion.

lastly, to the young officer who was sucking face with JENNY MCCARTHY. hopefully all that foundation she was wearing can be removed from your uniform.

based on the way shit started last night, it's hard to believe the MAYAN's were wrong. well, we toasted the new year with sparkling pomegranate juice and sent everyone to bed. here is to hoping all the best to all of you in the coming year.

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