Sunday, August 12, 2012

a real lion of detroit

the lion has for centuries been used to symbolize strength, courage, and as protector of culture.  this story is about a REAL lion of detroit.

on wednesday  august 8, several males converged on a detroit home, in the 6800 block of rutland, beating a 16 year old male there with a ball bat and gun, as they stole an xbox and wii games from the home.   the boys 12 year old sister was present and began to take pictures of the suspects, who then chased her next door, pointing the gun at her, with the intent of killing her.

her grandfather, a marine corps vietnam vet and 2 time recipient of the Purple Heart, JOHN VILLNEFF, lived next door.  seeing the danger which had confronted his granddaughter, VILLNEFF stood in the gap for the last time, as he was fatally shot in the chest and back.  VILLNEFF was able to call his son michael on the phone telling him that he had been shot and was dying.  michael was so correct in saying that his father died a hero.

warriors have long used the lion as a symbol of their bravery and nobility, on their standards and coat of arms.  on shields, i have seen this expressed as "protector of those around me".  JOHN VILLNEFF was a proven protector of those around him in southeast asia, 40 some years ago, and last week in detroit.  and now he has been borne home on his shield, in true spartan fashion, a real lion of detroit.

it's been awhile since i have done my hero of the month posts.  i'm going to start again.  because of guys like JOHN VILLNEFF.  and i'm going to bestow an award called the ORDER OF THE LION, for those in our communities who protect those around them.

1 comment:

  1. An honorable death, indeed, but a damned shame that he should survive the Nam only to die at the hands of scumbags in his own backyard.


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