Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas
a Christmas carol written by a Jesuit missionary among the Huron and Wendat Indians at sainte marie in the 1640's. it embraces our Christian, hunting and for me, Canadian heritage.
Friday, November 15, 2013
it's called mythomania
i only stretched the truth this much, and it was for your own good.
Compulsive lying, also called Mythomania, is a rather common symptom of mental illness. This disorder presents an acute challenge by its very nature because health care professionals cannot always tell if the patient is telling the truth with regard to symptoms. Compulsive or pathological liars are often so convincing that they consistently beat polygraph tests and convince themselves that their lies are the truth.
The Difference Between Habitual Lying and Mythomania
It is hard to separate these two cases, because some people engage in “white” lies to avoid hurting other’s feelings. The pathological liar, by contrast, cannot help lying, even when the lie cause’s harm. It is this aspect of Mythomania that distinguishes it as a form of illness, rather than a habit. Those who lie regularly and without compunction to achieve desired results may need to consider some form of therapy to change these habits.
there ya go kids, now you know what's wrong with him, and this is apparently caused by, 'The complex issues involved include self esteem, feelings of inadequacy, early life issues including physical or verbal abuse, drug and alcohol addiction and more.'
i took the top two paragraphs as well as the causation statement from the Helping Psychology site, it was authored by Marc Pickren and appeared in Intro to Psychology.
we have heard this for years about this guy, maybe through static and in the background, but it was there. we tuned it out or only glanced at it in passing, but it was there, under our noses, hiding in the open. how we handle it is up to us.
sorta lends credence to the theories about his birth certificate and draft registration card now don't it?
fast and furious,
obama care,
tea party
Monday, November 11, 2013
Veterans Day 2013
this veterans day will be a bitter sweet day off for me. normally i would work, but the wife and i get such little time together these days i decided to take it off. the last year has seen the loss of 2 men who were very dear to me, my dad, and my uncle.
dad is at the top, as shown in his NAVY uniform during the Korean War. the next picture is my uncle, probably in the "tan and pinks" of the ARMY during WW2. they weren't "great men" as defined by thomas carlyle, but they were wonderful to me, and their families.
dad was a bit acerbic at times, but i truly grew to appreciate him after i left home and joined the ARMY myself. until you are out on your own, working to put a roof over other's heads and pay bills, worrying about kids health and grades, i don't think a man can honestly understand the pressure of being a dad. the sunday mornings when he would return home after delivering papers most of the night, and wake me up to go fishing meant so much to me. i think i must have been quite a bemusement to dad as he was SUCH a liberal, and i turned out to be SO conservative, despite his best efforts. i really miss calling and heckling him over the the many screw ups of his buddies clinton, reid and pelosi, teddy swim meet, and the annointed one. dad claimed i couldn't get under his skin, but he sure did get good at hanging up on me when i called to razz him about the great job the dems were doing.
my uncle was huge when i was a kid, with a deep gruff voice and cigars who was sorta scary. outward appearance aside, he was one of the kindest, gentlest men i have ever known. he grew up tough working with my grandfather on rental properties the family owned and collecting money from over due renters. he was almost stabbed once doing this. before and after the war he worked for one of the bell's stringing telephone lines, and based on that experience he rose to the rank of master sergeant in the ARMY's signal corps. i could always stop by and see and see him and my aunt, an ARMY nurse during the war, when i was a kid and get a soda and sandwich if i was out running around. as i no longer live where i grew up,i was so glad i took the time out of a busy schedule to stop and visit with my uncle after dad's funeral, as he passed just 6 months later.
so today as the wife and i get a little us time, we will be remembering these 2 sons of the republic, and their service. we miss you everyday.
dad is at the top, as shown in his NAVY uniform during the Korean War. the next picture is my uncle, probably in the "tan and pinks" of the ARMY during WW2. they weren't "great men" as defined by thomas carlyle, but they were wonderful to me, and their families.
dad was a bit acerbic at times, but i truly grew to appreciate him after i left home and joined the ARMY myself. until you are out on your own, working to put a roof over other's heads and pay bills, worrying about kids health and grades, i don't think a man can honestly understand the pressure of being a dad. the sunday mornings when he would return home after delivering papers most of the night, and wake me up to go fishing meant so much to me. i think i must have been quite a bemusement to dad as he was SUCH a liberal, and i turned out to be SO conservative, despite his best efforts. i really miss calling and heckling him over the the many screw ups of his buddies clinton, reid and pelosi, teddy swim meet, and the annointed one. dad claimed i couldn't get under his skin, but he sure did get good at hanging up on me when i called to razz him about the great job the dems were doing.
my uncle was huge when i was a kid, with a deep gruff voice and cigars who was sorta scary. outward appearance aside, he was one of the kindest, gentlest men i have ever known. he grew up tough working with my grandfather on rental properties the family owned and collecting money from over due renters. he was almost stabbed once doing this. before and after the war he worked for one of the bell's stringing telephone lines, and based on that experience he rose to the rank of master sergeant in the ARMY's signal corps. i could always stop by and see and see him and my aunt, an ARMY nurse during the war, when i was a kid and get a soda and sandwich if i was out running around. as i no longer live where i grew up,i was so glad i took the time out of a busy schedule to stop and visit with my uncle after dad's funeral, as he passed just 6 months later.
so today as the wife and i get a little us time, we will be remembering these 2 sons of the republic, and their service. we miss you everyday.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
vindictive the lesser
so today we get the news that family members of the military, killed in combat in asscrackistan, will not receive a $100,000 dollar pay out due to the government shutdown. shame on you mr. obama.
relatives of 25-year-old 1st Lt. Jennifer M. Moreno; 24-year-old Pfc. Cody J. Patterson; 24-year-old Special Agent Joseph M. Peters; 25-year-old Sgt. Patrick C. Hawkins; and 19-year-old Lance Cpl. Jeremiah M. Collins, Jr. would have otherwise received the payment within three days of the death.
so in addition to trying to close the WWII memorial, yosemite park, the lincoln and jefferson memorials and countless others, mr. obama is now punishing families who have had their world literally destroyed.
where is president EXECUTIVE ORDER when hurting AMERICAN'S need real leadership?
thankfully, FISHER HOUSE has shown that leadership which the vacationer in chief lacks, and will cover those payouts. this is who many of you voted for AMERICA, your chickens have come home to roost.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
joe mccarthy's grandson
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.”
- Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural
unless of course you are a conservative, in which case this proctologist and his minions pay you a visit.
who is really surprised to hear that the most open administration ever would employ such tactics?
Friday, April 19, 2013
breaking news...second suspect in custody from marathon bombing
massachusetts and federal authorities have taken the younger tsarnaev brother into custody after a brief shoot out and stand off with police in watertown, massachusetts at about 8:45 p.m. local time.
president obama, speaking from the 19th hole of an undisclosed golf course, said that it was a shameful day when one stops to consider that the police were actually able to shoot back at the non tea party, generally misunderstood boys from chechnya. the president further stated that he believed the police acted stupidly, in particular the cambridge police department, and noted that there is a long history in this country of chechen terrorists being shot, specifically in the greater boston area.
the president would not rule out water boarding in the questioning of the officers involved in the capture and killing of the devout, peaceful, muslim college students, who he noted friends described as bright and quiet.
when asked to expound on the potential reversal of his disdain for torture, the president stated that only applied to enemy combatants, and not AMERICAN citizens who "defend" the republic. the president clarified his position by stating it was evolving. the president also was quick to admonish his subjects to not rush to judgement, pointing out how bill ayers, a guy he sorta knows from the neighborhood, was wrongly accused of a late 60's and early 70's bombing campaign against the u.s. government. the president pointed out how investigators used illegal tactics in collecting evidence against ayers, which caused charges agianst him to be dropped.
the fbi, when asked about the 2011 questioning of the now dead older tsarnaev , if they could have missed anything during that interview which might have prevented the marathon bombing, responded, that they never miss anything in the numerous movies and television shows about their organization, always getting their man, with the exception of nadel hussein at ft. hood and richard jewell. who they wrongly fingered as the atlanta olympics bomber.
in related news, it is reported that u.s. attorney general eric holder will hold an 11 p.m. eastern time press conference to announce his resignation and return to private practice at covington & burling, his former law firm. covington & burling is well known for its defense of 18 terror suspects held by the u.s. government at guantanamo bay, cuba. it is believed that holder will be heading up the tsarnaev defense team.
president obama, speaking from the 19th hole of an undisclosed golf course, said that it was a shameful day when one stops to consider that the police were actually able to shoot back at the non tea party, generally misunderstood boys from chechnya. the president further stated that he believed the police acted stupidly, in particular the cambridge police department, and noted that there is a long history in this country of chechen terrorists being shot, specifically in the greater boston area.
the president would not rule out water boarding in the questioning of the officers involved in the capture and killing of the devout, peaceful, muslim college students, who he noted friends described as bright and quiet.
when asked to expound on the potential reversal of his disdain for torture, the president stated that only applied to enemy combatants, and not AMERICAN citizens who "defend" the republic. the president clarified his position by stating it was evolving. the president also was quick to admonish his subjects to not rush to judgement, pointing out how bill ayers, a guy he sorta knows from the neighborhood, was wrongly accused of a late 60's and early 70's bombing campaign against the u.s. government. the president pointed out how investigators used illegal tactics in collecting evidence against ayers, which caused charges agianst him to be dropped.
the fbi, when asked about the 2011 questioning of the now dead older tsarnaev , if they could have missed anything during that interview which might have prevented the marathon bombing, responded, that they never miss anything in the numerous movies and television shows about their organization, always getting their man, with the exception of nadel hussein at ft. hood and richard jewell. who they wrongly fingered as the atlanta olympics bomber.
in related news, it is reported that u.s. attorney general eric holder will hold an 11 p.m. eastern time press conference to announce his resignation and return to private practice at covington & burling, his former law firm. covington & burling is well known for its defense of 18 terror suspects held by the u.s. government at guantanamo bay, cuba. it is believed that holder will be heading up the tsarnaev defense team.
bill ayers,
eric holder,
nadel huessein,
richard jewell,
weather underground
Monday, February 25, 2013
reading and writing and arithmetic
of course teachers have nothing but little johnnies best interest at heart, as evidenced by this story out of kansas.
TOPEKA — Gov. Sam Brownback’s proposal to improve fourth-grade reading by holding back third-graders who can’t read at grade-level met opposition from school district officials from Kansas City, Kan., and Topeka on Monday.
Wichita officials, meanwhile, say the money Brownback has proposed spending to improve fourth-grade reading levels would be better spent on a statewide training program that better equips teachers.
“Retention is quite an expensive strategy,” said Diane Gjerstad, a lobbyist for the Wichita school district.
so is passing kids along that can't fucking read or write. remember this the next time your local teachers union and democrat politicians are begging for your support and are threatening to strike.
Read more here:
Thursday, February 14, 2013
the chicago typewriter and why gun control laws don't work
this is how you send a message people actually respond to. M1928A1 thompson sub machine gun.
on this day in 1929, 7 chicago mobsters were gunned down in a garage on the windy city's north side by men associated with al capone and detroit's purle gang. an outgrowth of the st. valentine's day massacre was the national Firearms Act of 1934, signed into law by socialist franklin roosevelt. up until that time, average citizens could own fully automatic true sub machine guns for the low, low, low price of $175-$225. if you wanted one after the law was enacted, you had to pay a $200 tax for it's registry, unless you were a felon or other prohibited person, in which case the supreme court said you did not have to comply with the law, as it would violate your 5th amendment right.
now in 1992, chicago banned "assault weapons" altogether. that being said, chicago experienced 8,239 homicides of all varieties from 1990 to 1999 and 5,352 from 2000 to 2009. if this rate of reduction continues, chicago may see no homicides by 2025. or not. from 2010 thru 2012 the "safest city" on the third largest great lake recorded 1,377 homicides. nice work gun grabbers.
chew on that while you contemplate the next story. walter unbehaun robbed a chicago area bank last week of a little over $4000 WITH A GUN, after being convicted in 2000 for a separate bank robbery in 1998. if walt was actually made to serve his entire 188 month sentence, this robbery would never have taken place. and that ladies is how crime is truly reduced. by keeping known offenders in the klink for their entire jolt.
ask yourself just how it is even possible that walt got a smoke wagon, with the background check mr. obama touts.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
"common man" schools politicians
'bout time someone dragged the bastards into the cold hard light of day. well done sir!
Friday, February 1, 2013
only the best tuna gets to be starkissed, or, once you get past the smell, you've got her licked
sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, as evidenced by this not so tasty tidbit from brazil.
SAO DE JOSE RIO PRETO, Brazil — A man is accusing his wife of trying to kill him by putting poison in her vagina and convincing him to perform oral sex with her.
The man, 43, became suspicious when he noticed a strange odor coming from his wife’s genitals, according to Portuguese news outlet tvi24.
When he took her to the hospital, she confessed to the plan, and doctors found enough poison in her body to kill them both.
She plotted to kill her husband when he refused to divorce her, according to the Huffington Post UK. She was treated and released from the hospital.
Officer Walter Colacino Junior has ordered further investigation of the case before any legal action is taken.
i wouldn't want to be on officer walter jr.'s shit list, that further investigation assignment sounds like it's for the birds, or flies.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
the queen of battle
well, i wanted to put something up sooner and got side tracked, now it appears that i am jumping on the band wagon. so be it.
i do not want to see women serve in the combat arms branches of the armed forces. sorry, call me old fashioned, but i just do not believe that women are capable of taking the day to day grind of sustained field operations that occur in the in direct action units which comprise combat arms.
in looking at an old APFT card i refreshed my memory to the fact that women in the 17 to 21 year age range could do 24 fewer push ups than men of the same age, and receive a score of 100 in that category.
guys who completed the same amount would only receive 76 points. in the timed 2 mile run, women would get 100 points for a time of 14 minutes and 54 seconds, second class citizens (men) would get a 70 for the same time in the same event. assuming our male and female test subject did the same 90 sit ups, our male would get a 244 on his APFT, good for 21 promotional points, the female soldier a perfect 300 score, good for a whopping 50 promotion points. what does that mean? simple, she does half the work and reaps more than twice the benefits of her male peer.
that won't cut it in combat children. the average weight of and M240 machine gun is 25 pounds, average weight of a shell for a 120mm gun on an ABRAMS tank is 49 pounds and the weight of a 155mm shell for a PALADIN howitzer is 96 pounds. how many girls you know can shuck that shit for hours on end?
now i think a legitimate reason to put women into these units would be if we could not fill the spots determined by the budget with men. this is not and has never been the case. have you heard of, or can you recall any stories of the army or marines being incapable of filling their infantry slots? no, you can not. and one the reason for this is while you may come into the army to be in the intelligence branch, all it takes to send you to the grunts is failing some test, or being a fuck up or the loss of your security clearance. it called the needs of the army. the primary reason this also is not a problem is because young guys WANT to do these things. it's cool and macho. how cool are you if they let girls do it?
over at IT DON'T MAKE SENSE, they posted a letter by a female marine officer. while it may not be indicative all all women in combat experiences, it certainly offers insight. good buddy SKI, over at GLOBAL DOMINATION, seems to think that the time has arrived to allow women into the field units.
SKI makes a STRONG case for this and while i disagree, i respect his view, as we served together. he has forgot the things that kept female soldiers limping along on field problem all those years ago. the new "men" got to carry the 60, a 26 pound belt fed MG, it was a right of passage. go to the field and guess who was on the bleed, unable to "hump the pig" due to cramps. lets say you are getting ready to deploy to a hot spot as a company commander of an infantry company made up of 30% women, and half report they are pregnant? guess who just lost 15% of their combat effectiveness without a shot even being fired?
we need to stop trying to be all things to all people, and remember as leaders we CAN NOT nor should we try to make everyone happy all the time. still respect an honor your service ladies, but unless you WILL be judged by the same tough standards of your male counterparts, you should stick to the combat support units.
and fear not, you will still get many of opportunities to prove your valor and dedication.
Monday, January 21, 2013
more liberal bullshit
below is an opinion piece written by super leftist turd morris dees, which i plucked from the detroit free press, it is entitled, ON MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.'S BIRTHDAY, STILL A DREAM DEFERRED.
i added my own commentary.
Serious but surmountable challenges threaten the well-being and future of children: persistent poverty, proliferation of gun violence and unnecessary arrests of children of color. On Jan. 21, as we gather to mark the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the second inauguration of the country's first African-American president, it seems right to reflect on the implications of Dr. King's vision and teaching for these issues of today.
so the stage has been set by the author, we are going to talk about being lazy and the governments lack of ability to make the lazy rich, racial profiling, and the soup of the day, gun violence and the rotten bastards who own weapons of war. let us proceed.
In 1967, when the Poor People's Campaign was launched, Dr. King labeled it the second phase of the civil rights struggle. In 1968, 25 million people -- nearly 13% of the population -- were living in poverty. That year, the year he was assassinated, Dr. King called upon the government to prioritize helping the poor with an anti-poverty package that included housing and a guaranteed income for all Americans. Despite much progress, the issues are in too many ways unchanged, as structural inequality and racial discord continue to erode the foundation of liberty. The number of people living in poverty today has doubled to almost 50 million. Disappointingly, Michigan's poverty rate of 17% stands higher than the national rate of 15%, according to 2011 figures released last year.
so in 45 years time, and at the cost of 16.7 trillion dollars, adjusted for inflation as of 2008, what have we the taxpayer got for our money? 2 times the number of folks to share it with, that's what. the numbers prove that we can not give our way to prosperity.
Across the country, more than one in five children live in poverty. For children of color, it is even worse: One in four African-American children and almost one in three Hispanic children will grow up in deprivation. Although I am encouraged that the inspiration generated by the civil rights movement and Poor People's Campaign remains alive today, I know that we cannot rest.
dees mandates that we continue down the dead end road we are lost upon.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which I started in Montgomery in 1971, there are more than 1,000 hate groups active in America.
what does the amount of hate groups have to do with this article? read on.
States like Alabama and Arizona have enacted draconian anti-immigrant laws that would make Abraham Lincoln weep.
if you oppose illegal immigration, you are apparently a member of a hate group. additionally, how are we helping our own "poor", by letting in every other country's poor?
Today there are more African Americans locked up than the number of enslaved blacks in 1850, and our country leads the world in the incarceration of children, with nearly 2 million arrested each year.
according to the 2010 census, whites make up 72.4 percent of the population, with blacks making up 12.6 percent of the population. now according to fbi numbers from 2009, whites account for 69.1 percent of all arrest, while blacks account for 28.3 percent of all arrest, more than double their share of the population. you are free to draw your own conclusions on this fact, but morris would have us believe that cops are possibly ignoring whites who commit crime targeting blacks. and while i am no lawyer, i know that incarcerated means locked up, and not arrested or detained, and returned to their parents in short order.
note how morrie jumps on the gun control band wagon immediately, but never gets back around to fleshing out that idea. it's cuz he HAS to advance the liberal agenda at all times or get thrown out of the club.
morrie was speaking at an MLK rally today in ann arbor, and you can go here to read his full rant.
i added my own commentary.
Serious but surmountable challenges threaten the well-being and future of children: persistent poverty, proliferation of gun violence and unnecessary arrests of children of color. On Jan. 21, as we gather to mark the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the second inauguration of the country's first African-American president, it seems right to reflect on the implications of Dr. King's vision and teaching for these issues of today.
so the stage has been set by the author, we are going to talk about being lazy and the governments lack of ability to make the lazy rich, racial profiling, and the soup of the day, gun violence and the rotten bastards who own weapons of war. let us proceed.
In 1967, when the Poor People's Campaign was launched, Dr. King labeled it the second phase of the civil rights struggle. In 1968, 25 million people -- nearly 13% of the population -- were living in poverty. That year, the year he was assassinated, Dr. King called upon the government to prioritize helping the poor with an anti-poverty package that included housing and a guaranteed income for all Americans. Despite much progress, the issues are in too many ways unchanged, as structural inequality and racial discord continue to erode the foundation of liberty. The number of people living in poverty today has doubled to almost 50 million. Disappointingly, Michigan's poverty rate of 17% stands higher than the national rate of 15%, according to 2011 figures released last year.
so in 45 years time, and at the cost of 16.7 trillion dollars, adjusted for inflation as of 2008, what have we the taxpayer got for our money? 2 times the number of folks to share it with, that's what. the numbers prove that we can not give our way to prosperity.
Across the country, more than one in five children live in poverty. For children of color, it is even worse: One in four African-American children and almost one in three Hispanic children will grow up in deprivation. Although I am encouraged that the inspiration generated by the civil rights movement and Poor People's Campaign remains alive today, I know that we cannot rest.
dees mandates that we continue down the dead end road we are lost upon.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which I started in Montgomery in 1971, there are more than 1,000 hate groups active in America.
what does the amount of hate groups have to do with this article? read on.
States like Alabama and Arizona have enacted draconian anti-immigrant laws that would make Abraham Lincoln weep.
if you oppose illegal immigration, you are apparently a member of a hate group. additionally, how are we helping our own "poor", by letting in every other country's poor?
Today there are more African Americans locked up than the number of enslaved blacks in 1850, and our country leads the world in the incarceration of children, with nearly 2 million arrested each year.
according to the 2010 census, whites make up 72.4 percent of the population, with blacks making up 12.6 percent of the population. now according to fbi numbers from 2009, whites account for 69.1 percent of all arrest, while blacks account for 28.3 percent of all arrest, more than double their share of the population. you are free to draw your own conclusions on this fact, but morris would have us believe that cops are possibly ignoring whites who commit crime targeting blacks. and while i am no lawyer, i know that incarcerated means locked up, and not arrested or detained, and returned to their parents in short order.
note how morrie jumps on the gun control band wagon immediately, but never gets back around to fleshing out that idea. it's cuz he HAS to advance the liberal agenda at all times or get thrown out of the club.
morrie was speaking at an MLK rally today in ann arbor, and you can go here to read his full rant.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
obama's wendesday gun grab
the gipper and i both.
my predictions on what you may to hear tomorrow;
magazine bans=if you currently have mags capable of holding 10 rounds or more, you will have to give them up. the argument will be the 2nd amendment covers your right to arms, not the box magazines that feed them.
ammunition rationing and identity check=you will only be allowed X amount of ammo and you will have to show ID to purchase it. these transactions will be tracked, currently gun purchases are not.
very strict enforcement of gun free/drug free school zones=clinton tried this way back in the 90's and it got scuttled. look for it to resurface and be applied to all who live within 1000 feet of a church or school, and have government insured home loans (vha, fha, va).
registry=what type of and how many firearms do you own? this will include magazines and ammunition and will be sliding fee based. the more dangerous looking your gun is, the greater the cost of your permit. this will be on a national level.
mandatory security measures=got to have a safe. "excessive" amounts of ammo=gotta have a HAZMAT placard on the casa. you will be required to have an alarm system. look for your home owner insurance to be null and void if you fail to do as you are told.
right of federal government inspection=you failed to register guns, that you may or may not still own. we have the right to inspect, based on the public safety threat they pose to the community.
mandatory insurance=thanks for letting us know what you have, based on this information, we feel you are a significant threat to society, soooo you must maintain X amount of insurance, to mitigate any harm that arises from your peaceful, lawful activity.
hazard tax=libs have been floating this for years. tax the shit out of ammo to the point you can not afford it any longer.
closing of range facilities due to the environmental hazards they create.
these are just the things i can think of, and based on that and what we see tomorrow, i can not imagine why people distrust the current administration. everything i mentioned has previously been tried by libtards, and will almost certainly rear it's ugly head in some form again, soon.
i also think obama will ask citizens to report "suspicious" activities to the feds. "hello, is this big brother? yes, i called because my neighbor, he hunts and shoots. yes, he taught his kids as well, they told us about it. the kids appeared to enjoy it, which i find troubling. i've been on the interactive map, and he failed to register, i am very frightened."

far fetched? every dictator in modern times has used informants, some family and school based, to trample dissent. it CAN happen here too. there will be a call for kids to tell on mommy and daddy. the only reason to surround yourself with kids at the presser tomorrow, is to get the message out about how concerned you are, and how you need children's help to combat gun violence, which the kids will be told most often occurs at home.
join the NRA, they are one of your last and best hopes for maintaining YOUR 2nd amendment rights.
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